Virtual Aristasia
A guide to meeting Aristasians in a Virtual Universe.
For a long time it has been argued that there are three Aristasias: Aristasia Pura, Aristasia-in-Telluria and Aristasia-in-Elektraspace. For years there has been an Aristasian presence online, and some pettes have participated in Aristasia solely through the medium of Elektraspace.
There has also been a continuing Aristasian interest in the creation of a virtual world: a world in which girls can talk and move, take tea with each other, play games, attend classes all while being physically separated by perhaps thousands of miles.
Advantages of a Virtual Aristasia - other than the fact that it helps with our geographical scatteredness - are the fact that it can be a mirror of Aristasia Pura. Blondes can really be fair-haired and brunettes really dark-haired (not that that matters a bit in real life, but it is rather cute to have it "proper" in Virtualia). We can look just as we want to look - our appearance can match our personae. It also allows all sorts of fantastical things to happen.
There have been lots of Aristasian speculations about virtual reality - 3D rooms existing "holographically" all around us - perhaps created by a headset. Aristasian friends all about us, taking whatever shape they please - anime princesses, Trentish film stars, Quirrie teens. The days of full virtual reality are undoubtedly a way off, but the first steps are available to us now, and Aristasians are beginning to take them. Your Aristasian Avatar will be a fully-animated 3D model under your in-world control - fair or dark haired according to whether your personality is blonde or brunette.
Our first venture has taken place in a Virtual Universe known as Second Life. A vast world with many territories, properties, modern buildings, castles, casinos, shops - people run whole businesses within Second Life. Aristasians, of course, regard it as a territory for creating Aristasian reality.
At present, in automobile terms, we are at the Tin Lizzie stage of Virtuality. The full-surround worlds we shall eventually be able to inhabit are in the future. But the future begins here. This is the ideal place to meet other Aristasians in a fully visual environment. Becoming a White Rose involves no commitment to Aristasia - you are just expected to fit in with Aristasian ways while you are actually among us. If you want to experience Aristasia, this is the place to be!
How to begin
Just sign up for Second Life and create an Aristasian persona. Cite Sushuri Madonna as your referrer (she is our Embassy hostess) and add her as a friend (search for her on the search function) when you get into SL. She will contact you shortly.If you have difficulty with any part of this, please ask for help on the New Girls' Forum. Someone will be able to talk you through any difficulties. If you have trouble signing up for the Fora, write to miss-dot-sushuri-(at)-gmail-dot-com (in email format, of course).
Help is always at hand!
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